How do I use the Cartier watch "International Permanent Warranty"?
Click here to watch a video on how to use Cartier's "International Permanent Warranty"
In today's article, we will explain how to use the "International Permanent Warranty" for Cartier watches and its effectiveness.
First of all, how much does the warranty cover?
What's the difference between having it and not having it?
This is probably not a widely known topic, so I hope that this video will help you understand whether you should purchase something with a warranty or whether it's okay to buy one without one, so please watch until the end.
What is Cartier's "International Permanent Warranty"?

The Cartier International Warranty is what comes with every Cartier watch you purchase.
As the name suggests, this card is a proof that you have a lifetime guarantee!
If it is a movement (the mechanism inside), it will be oiled, each part will be cleaned, and then reassembled until it is perfectly aligned.
But I guarantee it all!
This does not apply to the watch itself, but rather to the movement inside it (the mechanism that moves the hands).
For example, dents in the case, deep scratches, or severe corrosion on the dial are not within the scope of repair.
However, if the bracelet is broken or the buckle is loose and comes off easily, they will suggest trading it in rather than replacing it, so you can say that they cover most issues related to watches.
By the way, the card type above is a slightly old warranty, and the current new one looks like this, it is in the form of a booklet and the information is on the grey double-page spread.

Now let's take a look at what's included in these.
·Serial number
・Production type
・Purchaser name
・Store where you purchased the product
It is as follows.
What I'm wondering is, even though the name on it is not mine, if I ask Cartier for a guarantee, will they accept it?
I think that's it.
Now, I will actually explain the steps here.
How to get your Cartier watch repaired
First, open the official Cartier website .
To go directly to the repair page, click here
There is a category called "Services" at the top, so move your cursor there.
Then, you will see "Request a Repair" on the bottom left, click on that.
The screen will change to this one, so just scroll down.
This time we will be making the request online, so click on "Repair kit request" circled in red.
Enter your address here and we'll deliver the repair kit to your home.
You can receive a quote by placing the warranty card and the watch you want repaired in the repair kit and sending it to Cartier.
Please note that shipping and receiving costs will be borne by us.
Once the product arrives, you will receive an email from Cartier saying, "Here is the estimate for your order!"
Now, let's take a look at the actual exchange.
Get a lifetime warranty from Cartier headquarters
You will receive four estimates, but two of them are not important, so I will post the important ones, the first and third, here for you to take a look at.
First, please take a look at the image of the quotation we received from Cartier.
There are various parts that need to be repaired, but to summarize:
Repair the machine inside
・Replace the dial
・Replace the needle
There is a scratch on the glass
It has that kind of nuance.
Now, skip the second picture and look at the third one.

This time, the options included polishing the case and replacing the glass (windshield).
If the glass is broken, you may be forced to replace it, so if you want to do this, it would be better to do it.
I think it was something like that.
Polishing a case means polishing it to remove shallow scratches on the surface and make it nice and clean.
Of course, this only removes shallow scratches and cannot remove deep scratches.
Also, with regard to this quote, I also included the "International Lifetime Warranty" when shipping.
However, for some reason, the bill included 69,300 yen for the complete service.
I knew that things like shipping fees, cash-on-delivery fees, and dial replacement would cost money, but I was curious as to why I was being charged for complete service even though I had purchased a warranty, so I asked about it.

To summarize the reply I received, it said, "We don't have the date of purchase, but without that we can't determine whether we can guarantee it or not."
I have issued and sent the warranty several times, so I knew that the "International Lifetime Warranty" does not specify a specific period, so the date of the reissue by email should not be relevant.
I told him that.
After some back and forth, I finally got this response:
As for the details, when I checked carefully I found that it was an "International Lifetime Warranty", so I was able to receive complete service free of charge.
I was wrong 😅
That was the nuance.
I think it wouldn't be a problem if I could explain it and they would understand, but I think I was able to do this because I knew how to do it.
If someone who is submitting a watch with a warranty for the first time is told something like this, well, it's Cartier's opinion, so there's nothing we can do about it...
I think there was a possibility that it would end like that, so I wanted even part-time workers to pay close attention to the things they should be looking at.
By the way, the warranty being issued this time is the "warranty given to the watch."
So, if I buy it second hand, the owner will change, but the name on the warranty card will still be the previous owner's, so I wonder if I can get the warranty myself...
Some people may be worried about this, but there is no need to worry.
As mentioned above, this is a "warranty given to the watch," so the thing you need to check is whether the serial number listed on the warranty matches the serial number engraved on the watch.
That's right.
If that matches properly, you can assume that you will be covered by the warranty.
And here is the new quote I received after that:
The complete service details have been properly removed from the invoice, and the total only includes shipping, cash on delivery fees, and dial replacement fees.
It costs about 70,000 yen, but the amount will vary greatly depending on whether the complete service is free or not, so you'll want to make good use of it.
By the way, this is the price for a complete service for a hand-wound watch, so it will be cheaper if it is a quartz watch, and more expensive if it is an automatic watch or chronograph.
What is the difference between having a lifetime warranty and not having one?
This international lifetime warranty is a great product that will provide complete service free of charge, no matter how many times you issue it.
Now let me explain how much of a difference it makes in your purchase depending on whether you have this or not.
Generally, products with this warranty are about 50% more expensive than those without it.
for example
If a used watch costs 500,000 yen, it would be worth 750,000 yen with a warranty.
This means that if the complete service costs 70,000 yen, you would have to pay about three times to recoup the difference of 250,000 yen.
Generally, watches need to be overhauled every two to three years, so if you plan to keep your watch for at least six years, having a warranty will let you enjoy it without worry.
Now, if we simulate what would happen if you purchased the watch without a warranty, the average price for an overhaul of a mechanical hand-wound watch at a regular watch shop is around 40,000 yen, so it would take six overhauls to recoup the difference of 250,000 yen.
This means that even if you have it repaired every two years, it would take 12 years of use before you could offset the difference in warranty costs.
To sum up, for people who plan to use the watch for around eight years or more, having a warranty will give you a huge advantage, and if you know a place nearby that will overhaul watches cheaply, you don't need to worry too much about the running costs even if you don't have a warranty.
This is the conclusion.
I also think that a person's personality plays a role to some extent.
I want to send my precious Cartier watch to the trusted headquarters!
I think many people think this way, and many people also take their watches to their favorite watch repair shop because they feel they can trust their watch is well-trained.
If you look at things like how long it will last with or without a warranty, and whether you plan to sell it at the right time, it may be that only you can tell which is best for you.
How much difference does it make when selling?
Of course, when it comes time to sell it, you'll get a higher price if you have a warranty.
It serves as proof of the watch, and anyone can objectively see that it was issued by Cartier.
This is the selling price with the warranty, but I feel like it will probably end up being around 20 to 30% higher.
I feel said.
When it comes to selling, the seller is motivated to turn it into cash, so in that case they will sell it even if it is a little cheaper.
So, I guess that's how much they'll add on.
In this article, we have explained the role and scope of the "International Permanent Warranty", how to issue it, and its running costs.
It's always better to have a warranty, but if you do, the initial cost will be higher, but the running costs will be lower each year.
On the other hand, if you don't have a warranty, the initial cost may be low, but the running costs will increase over the years.
I want to have this watch for the rest of my life!
I think that people who feel that way will be able to use their products for a very long time if they have a warranty.